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The concept for Building a New Africa (BANA) Group has been developed as model to facilitate and enable a new approach in Africa to achieve equality and opportunity for wealth creation in a responsible and accountable way.


The BANA Group proposal provides background to Africa’s challenges, an overview of the case for change, the purpose and aims and structure of the model for consideration. 


For many years I have had a desire to support Africa to thrive.  We are destroying the Earth with war,

hatred, greed and a need for power and control.  The cost of conflict to the global economy is a staggering

$14 trillion per year, Imagine what we could do for the world if that money could be saved and utilised for better good? 


Africa has more wealth from natural resources than any other country on Earth, holding 30% of the worlds known mineral reserves (diamonds, platinum, gold, cobalt, uranium, copper, coal) and significant gas and oil reserves.  Current global tax rules incentivise foreign investors to do trade in Africa, but they do little to ensure that the African economy benefits from those tax rules. 


Imagine how sustainable Africa could become if global tax reform ensured big businesses paid their fare share of tax and build the infrastructure of countries like Africa rather than strip them of all their natural assets? 


In Africa BANA Group can be that catalyst for change.

Jermaine Jackson

BANA Group Founder

Jermaine Jackson
Founder, BANA Group

Founding member of BANA Group and the vision for a new Africa. Jermaine is a philanthropist and renowned signer songwriter and member of the Jackson Family .

HRH Prince Ebrahim

Founder of Prince Ebrahim Future Africa Foundation and a strategic development economist specialising in major international development projects, financing, public sector enterprise reforms, public policy and management.

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